Retail ready. Shop for your new career is on Wednesday 22 May 2024. Start times for each state are as follows:
- 10am in WA
- 11:30am in SA and NT
- 12pm in QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS
We will be speaking with industry stakeholders and employers in retail who will share their passion and insights and will cover topics that are designed to answer questions and ignite people’s curiosity about the range of employment opportunities available across Australia.
We will cover:
1. Why should job seekers consider working in retail?
2. What entry level roles are available?
3. What are some examples of different career pathways?
4. Do you need experience? What training might help you to get noticed?
5. What does a ‘day in the life’ look like?
6. Where to go to connect to jobs right now.