
ABC Heywire Competition

Nathan Little
Manager, Communications & Programs
July 29, 2024

Aged between 16 – 22 and living in the country? The ABC Heywire competition wants to hear from you. Heywire is a lived experience storytelling competition for young people living in regional, rural and remote Australia. For more than 25 years, ABC has been championing the bravery and vulnerability it takes to tell your story, your way. You can share your story in writing, by recording some audio, shooting video or taking some photos; as long as it’s a true story about some aspect of your life living regionally.

ABC has seen the impact sharing stories has on communities and the country; that’s why they want to hear yours. So, tell them what life’s like living in your part of the world; or what you care about; or what you’re frustrated by; or what you love.

The competition closes on the 1st of September this year and until then, ABC is on the hunt for stories about your epic, everyday lives. You could win a once in a lifetime chance to be heard on the issues that matter to you, a chance to work with ABC Producers and an all-expenses paid trip to the ABC Heywire Regional Youth Innovation Summit in Canberra next year.

Head to the ABC Heywire website to enter.

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